Sales management

Get a general and detailed vision of Sales processes and activities with agility and precision.

Why choose Solop for your Sales Management?


The ERP allows you to know in real time the situation of your sales management, from the entry of your order to its effective delivery. The sales module records each step executed and feeds both the Treasury and Accounting as well as the forecasts and Warehouses.

Solop allows you to obtain a general and detailed vision of Sales processes and activities with agility and precision. Once the conditions are defined for each client, it allows the sale to be made that Solop will define the prices, costs and documents involved.

Benefits of Sales Management in your business

Establish conditions with clients

Solop allows you to define the commercial terms that you have negotiated with your client, and use them for sales operations: prices, discounts, payment terms, promotions, etc.

Transparency in the processes involved

Efficiently organize Quotes, Offers, Sales Orders, Material Shipments, Invoices and Payments. Provides tracking and analyzes each step involved in Sales.

Integrated Point of Sales

As Solop is an integrated system, the data is always consistent and verifiable, considering all the documents involved.

Global CRM

View your entire customer lifecycle in a single Platform. From the moment the sales opportunity begins until the check is cashed. Have a 360 degree view .

Sales Management Business Processes

Powerful Point of Sales

  • The Point of Sales integrated into Solop ERP.
  • 100% accessible via web
  • Completely parameterizable
  • Organize Quotes, Cash Sales, Credit Sales, Standard Orders, Returns, Discounts, Price Changes.
  • Great collection support: supports pre-payments, partial or full payments, payments in different types (cash, check, credit cards, credit notes), cash back.
  • Allows you to cancel documents with their accounting impact.
  • Generates data entry by mouse, keyboard or touch screen.
  • Search for old sales orders from the point of sale.
  • It allows you to define authorizations for certain actions such as granting discounts, changing prices, products, modifying sales methods or returns.

Accounts Receivable

  • It allows you to configure each client and access information on the operations carried out with that client at all times and in detail.

Conditions with clients

  • The conditions negotiated with the client are directly reflected in Solop.
  • Among other conditions: Price Lists that change periodically, discounts for quantity sold, payment conditions, credit verification.
  • As well as, when documenting and configuring the conditions, ADempiere uses them during Sales Management with the client.

Approval flow

  • It allows you to define the flow of approvals of the commercial conditions that your company needs.
  • Approval may depend on the user or the amount.
  • Likewise, it is possible to define escalations of approvals: from the employee to the group leader, to the department head, etc.

Management of sales offers

  • Solop implements the discounts and offers that the sales or marketing area requires.

Electronic billing

  • The ERP strictly complies with the regulatory entity of your country. Solop sends the corresponding receipts automatically and transparently to the user.

Commission Management

Solop calculates commissions for sales representatives in a simple and comprehensive way. In turn, the calculation of commissions in Solop includes functionalities such as:

  • Calculation based on sales: it is processed through sales orders even when they have not been collected or invoiced.
  • Commissions on invoices: allows processing only invoiced orders that meet the definition established in the commissions.
  • Based on collection: calculates the documents collected effectively, considering the days of collection, invoice expiration, among others.

In this way, the configuration of commissions is very flexible, allowing you to define everything from basic rules for small organizations to complex calculations in organizations where a very precise level of detail is required.

Inventory Traceability

  • It is possible to manually select the batch to use or allow the system to choose it automatically.
  • The system detects which batch was delivered to which customer and requires it when returning the material.
  • If necessary, it is also possible to document batches already from the Sales Order.

Massive Loads

  • Import your customer sales orders quickly and without much effort.
  • When you start operations, the invoices corresponding to Accounts Payable are migrated transparently.
  • Finally, it should be noted that with the help of the Forecast module, Sales Orders are generated massively according to history and selected parameters.

Document management

  • Solop allows you to easily convert Quotes and Offers into Sales Orders.
  • Use Sales Order to feed Material Delivery.
  • Partial Material Dispatch: the system validates how much is missing compared to the Sales Order.
  • Consolidate several Sales Orders into a Material Delivery.
  • Create several Sales Invoices based on the same Material Delivery.
  • Consolidate different Material Deliveries into one invoice.
  • Integration with other processes
    Likewise, the sales process is integrated with other Solop ERP processes such as: Treasury, Warehouses, Forecasting, Replenishment, CRM.

Seamlessly integrated CRM

Manage your sales opportunities, contacts and offers to your prospects, with a system that allows you to follow the commercial process. Plus, by entering orders related to those business prospecting efforts, it saves you time and money and gives you more control over your team.

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