Plan, manage, and analyze all monetary flows with ease.
How does your company benefit from implementing Treasury?
Treasury provides tools to support:
– Collections and payments through various methods.
– Payment allocation.
– Bank and cash management.
– Bank account reconciliation.
– Managing overdue accounts and aging balances.
Treasury serves as the backbone of your company’s financial stability, allowing you to effectively manage and control its monetary flows.
Key Benefits for your Business with Treasury
Functional Integration
All activities impacting monetary flows are seamlessly integrated.
Data is captured only once, ensuring consistency across all processes.
Comprehensive scope
Handle payments, collections, bank and account management, advances, assignments, cash flows, check printing, and payroll integration.
Reliable reporting
The reports are based on information from the operations, so it is possible to corroborate the results of the reports with a comparison of the documents generated from the operations.
Important features
Different types of Payment/Collection
- Partial or full payments/collections.
Advances or prepayments. - Process multiple invoices within a single document.
- Debt forgiveness during payment/collection processes.
- Assigned invoices automatically reduce debt, reflected immediately in aging reports.
- Credit notes applied directly to invoices.
Bank Administration
- Define banks and bank accounts.
- Perform bank reconciliations.
- Manage cash registers as virtual bank accounts.
- Facilitate remittances between accounts.
Budget management
- Import “Forecast” accounting entries into accounts.
- Compare forecasted entries with “Actual” accounting effects to analyze discrepancies between budgeted and actual figures.
Aging balances
Cash flow reports provide a clear view of liquidity, supporting informed decision-making.
Detailed internal audit
- Tracks creation and modification dates for each document.
- Records user actions for creating and modifying records.
- Captures field-level changes, documenting both previous and updated values.
- Audited fields can be customized to suit company needs.
Additional Features
- Integration with Commissions and Payroll.
- Integration with Projects.
- Supports arrears calculation.
- Electronic payment.
- Automatic accounting.
- Payment scheduling.