
Keep your accounting seamlessly integrated with your company’s operations at all times.

General Accounting

All documents automatically record every transaction, ensuring that accounting is fully integrated with your company’s operations.


Chart of Accounts

Enjoy complete flexibility to define the structure, depth, coding, and nomenclature of your Chart of Accounts to suit your business needs.
– Harmonizes with predefined accounting dimensions.
– Supports reduced charts of accounts compatible with IFRS.

Automatic accounting entries

Once accounts are configured, accounting is automatically updated when executing various documents (e.g., invoices, shipments, receipts, collections, payments, inventories, returns, depreciations, withholdings).

Multiple dimensions

In addition to dimensions saved automatically with each transaction, additional dimensions (e.g., cost center, production order) can be used to filter and generate detailed accounting reports.

Cost Integration

Solop’s accounting is fully integrated with the Costing Machine. Where cost estimation is required, the Costing Machine calculates costs and transfers them to accounting. Ensures consistency and synchronization between operational and accounting data.


Advanced accounting browser

  • Provides a sophisticated browser to review accounts in detail directly from reports.
  • Enables deep traceability by linking reports to the original documents.

Detailed Internal Audit

  • Tracks all changes to accounting records, saving the user responsible, as well as previous and updated transaction values.
  • Audited fields can be customized based on company needs.

Budget Management

  • Generate comprehensive reports, including daily/monthly fund flows and checks.
  • Access real-time, durable, and reliable data to stay informed about your financial situation across different system views.

Report Management

  • It allows you to generate different reports, both daily and monthly fund flows as well as checks and documents.
  • They highlight the fidelity of data with atomic and durable information.
  • The information managed and updated in real time means that you can always know your financial situation from the different windows of the application.

Multi Currency Management

Effortlessly handle multiple currencies:

  • Select a base currency for posting financial transactions.
  • Configure additional currencies as needed.
  • Transactions can be processed in any currency, with amounts recorded in the base currency.
  • Exchange rates determine the equivalent amounts for posting.
  • Financial reports can be generated in any currency.

Easily reverse accounting entries when needed:

  • Solop cancels the original document and creates a counteracting entry with inverse values.
  • All actions are documented, ensuring data consistency and full traceability.

Granular management of accounting periods

  • Simply define your company’s accounting time units. It is possible to define periods as months, quarters, semesters, etc.
  • Periods are opened and closed in their entirety or by base document type. This allows you to granularly open or close accounting for a particular period.

Document traceability

The system offers you an audit of changes in all documents that can be parameterized according to the company’s needs.

Document navigation

  • Seamlessly navigate between related documents using references.
  • Group accounting entries by dimensions such as organizations, projects, activities, campaigns, or cost centers.

Configurable Financial Reports

  • Access all legally required financial reports (Income Statement, Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, and Trial Balance).
  • Create additional reports by customizing rows and columns independently:
  • Define rows using accounting accounts or perform arithmetic operations.
  • Customize the format for individual rows.
  • Define columns to represent accounting periods.
  • Filter financial reports by dimensions (e.g., organization, project, cost center) and export them to PDF or Excel.
  • Navigate directly from reports to original accounting entries.

Auxiliary books

  • Provides auxiliary records required by law with flexibility to define additional books.
  • Customizable rows and columns ensure adaptability for specific reporting needs.

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