Purchasing Management

Less typing, more information.

Why choose Solop for your Purchase Management?


Purchasing with Solop becomes a powerful tool to achieve benefits from your supply.

Defined process flows that are completed as progress is made. Less typing, more information.

Benefits of Purchasing Management in your business

Establish conditions with suppliers

With Solop it is possible to define the commercial terms that you have negotiated with your supplier, and use them for purchasing operations: prices, discounts, payment terms, minimum quantities to order, among others.

Transparency in the processes involved

The ERP manages all the processes involved in purchase planning in an orderly manner.

Costs control

From the moment the product enters the company’s warehouses until it is shipped to customers, costs are maintained and calculated accurately.

Eliminate silos

With settings applied based on the business and each step of the purchasing process clearly defined, purchasing intelligence is fed into the system. With this, the company becomes less dependent on the exclusive knowledge of users.

Purchasing Management Business Processes

Organize the needs of the company


  • Product supply demand is managed through requisitions.
  • These may come from unforeseen needs, which would be managed manually.
  • It is also possible that supply needs come from Manufacturing Orders, sales commitments or the forecasting module. In this case, the system creates them automatically.
  • For replenishment needs, orders in transit are considered.
    Requisitions can be converted into Purchase Orders through authorization processes.
  • In the replenishment process (MRP), requisitions play a very important role, as they are considered committed replenishment.


Process flow


  • There are different processes in Purchasing. Each one depends on its start: Tender, Purchase commitment, Manufacturing Order, unforeseen need, Replenishment configuration.
  • Each of the activities involved in a certain Purchasing process is linked and integrated to achieve the overall goal.
  • The results of one action are the starting point for the next activity; This achieves quality in the execution and monitoring of each work circuit.

Conditions with supplier


  • There are different processes in Purchasing. Each one depends on its start: Tender, Purchase commitment, Manufacturing Order, unforeseen need, Replenishment configuration.
  • Each of the activities involved in a certain Purchasing process is linked and integrated to achieve the overall goal.
  • The results of one action are the starting point for the next activity; This achieves quality in the execution and monitoring of each work circuit.
  • Manage your accounts payable
  • Solop allows you to access the operations carried out with each supplier in real time and with 2 clicks.

Manage your accounts payable

Solop allows you to access the operations carried out with each supplier in real time and with 2 clicks.

Always updated costs


  • Regardless of how you manage Purchasing operations, costs are always accurate!
    When you cancel a receipt, the costs are adjusted.
  • When you cancel an invoice, the costs are corrected.
  • When producing, the costs of raw materials are passed to the product produced.
  • Average billing cost distributions are accurately modeled.

Document Organization


  • Solop easily converts requisitions into Purchase Orders.
  • Use Purchase Order to feed Material Receipt.
  • Partial receipt of Material: the system detects how much is missing compared to the Purchase Order.
  • Consolidates multiple Purchase Orders into a Material Receipt.
  • Create several Purchase Invoices based on the same Material Receipt.
  • Integration with other processes
  • Purchasing is integrated with Solop’s standard processes, so a requisition can originate from an internal request or simply from a replenishment process.
  • The same happens when the purchase order is placed, you can generate advance payments to suppliers or wait for the product to arrive to proceed to pay the invoice.


Integration with other processes

Purchasing is integrated with Solop’s standard processes, so a requisition can originate from an internal request or simply from a replenishment process. The same happens when the purchase order is placed, you can generate advance payments to suppliers or wait for the product to arrive to proceed to pay the invoice.


Taking into account the complete integration and fluidity that Solop provides, each operation carried out can be audited with a level of detailed monitoring:

  • You can define whether a product is managed with attributes. It allows you to define batch, serial number or expiration easily and accurately.
  • From the moment of receipt, to dispatch, through warehouse transfers, production, batch redefinition, the system records each step carried out.
  • Analyzing Purchasing Management from the processes, there is traceability from the document that starts the process to the document that ends it.

You can get more information here.


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