An advertising agency moves at the pace of its operations (on the one hand) and also at the speed of business changes (fiscal, technological or workflow changes in suppliers or customers). This scenario requires that the ERP selected responds quickly and effectively to the demand for improvements. In other words, a software that adapts to change in the shortest possible time is needed.
A system that is flexible in its maintenance does not imply that it is less solid in management (accounting, financial, administrative and operational) and conversely, a system that is rigid in its maintenance may not be solid in management.
Why do we need an ERP with economy in its maintenance?
Let’s leave aside the fiscal improvements (which must be done and always have priority for any type of system) and let’s go to a hypothetical but possible scenario: We have obtained a new account with a competitive international client (or international supplier) that represents an important economic income for us. But due to its operation it is necessary to make changes in the ERP.
In this case, if I have to wait a year to have the development, it is likely that all the efforts to win that account have been in vain.
What are the indicators to know if an ERP is rigid or flexible?
The response time with respect to a request for improvement or software development is closely related to the amount of resources needed to release a given IT solution.
It will also be conditioned by the internal working methods of each organization and, to a lesser or greater extent, by its organizational culture).
In this sense, a system developed in different layers allows parameterizations or customizations without the need for development (or what is technically called: without touching code).
This allows that in case of an eventual need for improvement, the speed of response is much higher compared to a system that always requires the intervention of a developer to release an improvement (in addition to the time of subsequent quality controls).
In summary: Flexible ERP is designed for these fast-paced times where the rule is constant change, movement.
It anticipates the problem and provides solutions in an agile and efficient way. User interface, reports, visualizations, columns and controls can be parameterized or customized, in order to achieve a complete adaptation to the means and purposes.
Thus achieving the goals that the Advertising Agency sets for itself. All this added to the “cloud culture” (system in the cloud) makes available to the business not only a tool with a high resolution power, but in this case the ERP becomes a partner of the Agency.